Take Control of Your Body, Mind & Life With a 6-Week Challenge That’s Made to Stick

Give me just 6 weeks and I’ll help you master the proven framework the healthiest, fittest, and most powerful men use to stay at the top of their game despite busy schedules, stress, and the demands of daily life…

No matter your fitness level or starting point.

Discover YOUR Body’s Unique Metabolic Needs 

Develop a Fit, Healthy & Muscular Body at Any Age

Build Unstoppable Mental & Emotional Resilience

“You take difficult concepts and make them easy to understand and implement. I never feel like I have to be perfect to get results.” 

 - Randy S.

Ever wondered what it’s like to be the most powerful man in the room?

If you ask any man on the street,

1 in 4 would tell you they don’t feel like they’re living up to their full potential in their personal and professional lives.

And that despite making one fruitless attempt after another to get in shape, improve their mental and emotional well-being, and sacrificing their own needs to achieve success…

They feel like they’re falling short.

The reality is that in today’s fast-paced world, it’s difficult to prioritize your health and wellness when there are so many demands on your time and energy. 

You might feel overwhelmed by the challenges of work, relationships, and other responsibilities…

And you might look at other men who are in perfect shape, have a happy partner hanging on their arm, and seem to have figured out the “secret” to success and think…

“How did he manage to achieve all of that?”

The thing is, when you neglect your health in the name of success or being a “hero” at home or work, it affects every aspect of your life.

  • You feel run-down and stressed
  • You lack the energy to pursue your passions and achieve your goals, and like most men...
  • You end up plagued by feelings of inadequacy and a nagging sense that you're not living up to your potential.

The good news is, the opposite is true, too.

When you put your health FIRST, everything else falls into place, and being the hero you want to be feels effortless. Things like…

  • A strong muscular body that holds up over time
  • More energy to give to the things and people you love
  • Getting better quality sleep
  • ​Higher testosterone levels
  • ​Improved memory and focus
  • Smoother digestion and balanced blood sugar levels
  • ​Becoming more attractive
  • ​A more resilient mental and emotional state
Although it may seem like all of that would take years to achieve, it doesn’t. It all starts with the decision to get it, and a plan to make it happen.

And That’s Where The

6-Week Challenge Comes In... 

The 6-Week Hero Challenge is designed to help you overcome the challenges that have held you back in the past, and give you the tools, skills, and support you need to take control of your

mind, body, and life.

Over 6 weeks, you’ll follow a proven roadmap to unleash your inner hero without sacrificing your work, family, or social life:

Everything is mapped out for you so all you have to do is show up, follow the instructions, and put in the work…

And if you can do that for just 6 weeks?

You'll be able to take control of your mind, body, and life, and achieve the results you might have never thought possible.

Here are just some of the results men are achieving with this holistic approach

The 6-Week Men’s Hero Challenge is not your typical 

fitness program…

  • You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of what it takes to achieve optimal health and wellness, both physically and mentally
  • You’ll develop practical skills and habits to improve your overall fitness and reduce stress levels, leading to a more energized and confident you
  • Our expert-led program is tailored specifically to men’s needs and is designed to provide the necessary support and motivation to help you stick to your goals and achieve lasting results!

Why should you listen to me?

Over my 25 year-career as a personal trainer and health coach I've helped 100's of clients unlock their potential.

I know the biggest challenge you’re facing isn’t just knowing what to eat or what workout to do next…

It’s also the feeling like you’re “too late to the game” to get started now, and all the other commitments that stand in the way of learning how to do this right.

But I also know this approach WORKS because the men in our community continue to arrive on the other side of this challenge happier, healthier, and more balanced in EVERY area of their lives.

Having access to this proven framework PLUS daily accountability over the next 6 weeks will allow you to:

  • Clearly define your goals and create a roadmap for success
  • Learn the best nutrition and exercise strategies tailored not only specifically for men, but for YOUR unique metabolic needs – without feeling deprived
  • Develop a powerful mindset that drives you towards success and motivates you to maintain healthy habits
  • ​Overcome obstacles and beat self-sabotaging behaviors that are holding you back
  • ​Transform your body and develop confidence in your ability to control your own life

And, create a lasting impact on your overall health and wellness

that will serve you for years to come

Just imagine 6 weeks from now, feeling confident in your own skin, with energy to spare, and a clear mind to take on each day with ease.

  • No more feeling self-conscious or hiding behind baggy clothes…
  • No more restless nights and daily exhaustion…
  • No more second-guessing your worth and capabilities…
  • ​No more wasting time and energy on ineffective diets and fitness routines.

Because here's the truth… 

You’re already the hero you want to be, with untapped potential just waiting to be unleashed. By unlocking your full potential — starting with your health and wellbeing — you'll be able to live life to the fullest, be the best version of yourself, and achieve your biggest dreams.

Here’s a look at everything included in your 6-Week Hero Challenge:


Packed with practical tips, strategies, and step-by-step instructions, this 50-page manual answers all your questions about how the Hero Challenge works and gives you the “cheat codes” to optimizing your nutrition, sleep, hormones, workouts, and mental wellbeing via macros, carb cycling, smart caffeine use, and more. 


Carb cycling is the real MVP of the Hero Challenge — it's NOT a fad diet, doesn't restrict entire food groups (i.e. Keto, low-carb), or worse, it's not a cleanse or detox with insane calorie limitations. Instead, it’s a sustainable eating lifestyle that flat-out works and gets life-changing results. You'll be able to easily personalize your plan to hit your goals and learn how to fuel properly for workouts. 


This is where the magic happens! You'll be able to calculate your perfect macros, and then drag and drop your way to a personalized plan to meet your goals. All of this happens right inside your Hero meal planning worksheet so you can keep it all in one place.  


Simple is the name of the game, and this guide makes it simple to meal prep and follow through. It's fully customizable based on what you like and don't like, so it'll be easy for you to stick with it! It includes a variety of tasty and nutritious meals that are perfectly balanced to support your carb-cycling goals, including easy-to-make recipes.


You'll learn EXACTLY how to meal prep your way to success! These videos will walk you through how to meal prep step-by-step, so you can save time, eat healthy, and achieve your Hero Challenge goals without stress. The skills you will learn in this training will last a lifetime. 


These workouts are designed to get results. Period. We want you to be able to fit your workouts into your lifestyle, so you will get workout calendars, videos, and training plans for 2, 3, 4, or 5 workout sessions per week. Build muscle and burn fat on your own terms, with or without cardio. It doesn't matter if you're just getting started or a seasoned athlete, these workouts will challenge you no matter your current fitness level. 


This program is designed to inspire REAL CHANGE and help you embrace the hero within. Every day, we'll dive deep into mindset, fitness, and nutrition strategies that will help you get clear on your goals, stay connected to your why, AND help you live up to your full potential. 

Plus, when you join today, you’ll ALSO receive these EXCLUSIVE bonuses:


This worksheet will help you identify your values, passions, and strengths... and use them to build a personalized roadmap for success for this challenge and beyond. By completing this worksheet, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your purpose and develop the confidence and motivation you need to step into the BEST possible versions of yourself, regardless of your starting point. 


Prep is everything in your Hero Challenge! This simple checklist gives you a quick list of everything you'll need to set yourself up for success. Just follow along one by one, and you'll be way ahead of the game!


You'll be amazed at the progress you can achieve in just 6 short weeks! This is why we'll be tracking your results from start to finish. We'll take your measurements before the program starts and when it's over, so you can see your transformation on paper and get even more motivated by your results. 

That’s a total value of more than $1,276

Because of that insane value,

I’d normally offer this challenge at $299...

But since I want to make this accessible to as many men as possible and we really like to give a nod to

the Great One

You can start the

6-Week Hero Challenge for just

One-time payment

$299 $99

This challenge is for you if…

  • You're ready to invest time and effort into improving your overall health and wellness
  • You're looking for a structured program to help guide and motivate you in your fitness journey
  • You want to take control of your health and make a lasting change for the better
  • ​You're open to trying new exercises, nutrition strategies, and wellness practices
  • ​You're committed to making a positive impact on your life and the lives of those around you

“You helped me to change my life and you actually made it fun along the way” 


Save your spot now for just

One-time payment

$299 $99

Meet Your Trainer

Tani Wojcinski

I have been a trainer and health coach for 25 years and I've helped 100's of men and women to find success in their weight loss journey.

I know that to be successful you need more than just a few workouts and a meal guide...

You need accountability and support, you need to reframe what it is to be fit and healthy, you need to be given the tools for long term success.

I know you have the potential inside of you, you just need help unlocking it.

Have questions about the

6-Week Hero Challenge?

Ready to rise to your full potential?

Join The 6-Week Hero Challenge Today!

One-time payment

$299 $99



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